Health and illness

Illness can spread very easily among children and staff in an Early Childhood Centre. Due to Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health requirements we cannot allow children to attend the Centre when they are unwell. It is essential therefore that sick children are kept at home until they have fully recovered. We try to keep the Centre as healthy and safe as possible. If your child becomes unwell while attending the Centre, you will be contacted to collect him/her. You need to have arrangements for alternative care for your child in the event of an illness. Learn more about our sickness policy...

view infectious diseases information chart

It can be difficult for parents to understand that a child who appears to have recovered, or to be mildly ill, must stay away to prevent the spread of illness to others. We do appreciate that parents can be stressed by the need to find alternative care or take time off work, and by the financial implications of a long period of not being able to attend the Centre. Please understand that we are trying to ensure a healthy environment for everyone and that everyone will be treated the same.

Please accept the staff’s view on whether your child is well enough to be at the centre. 

Notification to parents of any illness effecting children in the Centre will be displayed on the front door. Please watch this space daily.

You will find that your child is tired at the end of their day with us. A day at Creative Corner is busy and active children are constantly working at something with their friends. Our daily plan does have opportunities for quiet times but these times are still busy for children. We do provide a sleep time but usually children do not sleep for as long as they would at home.

If your child is attending 5 days a week their weeks are as full and busy as those of a child attending school. If possible it is good to give your child a short break at times to help them re-charge their batteries. 

If your child is on antibiotics or similar medication they may still attend however we do suggest they have one or two days at home after starting the medication to help them to get over their illness.

Sickness policy

The health and wellbeing of children will be protected and nurtured.


  • To support the health and wellbeing of children and adults at Creative Corner Early Learning Centre.
  • To provide clarity of response to all illnesses in the centre.


Ministry of Health guidelines will underpin practices related to children’s health while at the centre. Children attending the centre should be in good health. The centre will implement practices to limit the spread of infectious illnesses between children attending the centre.

Infectious Illness Register

Health Department guidelines for the return of children to the centre following an infectious disease will be as follows: 

  • Chicken pox:  6 days after last spot appears.
  • Gastroenteritis:  When vomiting and diarrhoea has ceased the child cannot attend Creative Corner for 48 hours after the last symptom. This is recommended by Community and Public Health.
  • Rubella: 5 days after the rash appears.
  • Mumps: 9 days after the first symptoms or when swelling subsides.
  • Whooping couqh: 5 days after the antibiotic treatment has begun.
  • Measles: 5 days after the rash appears.
  • Scabies: The day after treatment has begun.
  • Streptococci throat:  24 hours after antibiotic treatment has begun.
  • Head Lice: After treatment has begun.
  • Conjunctivitis : 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has begun.
  • Cold Sores: 24 hours after medication has begun.
  • Hand Foot & Mouth: After all blisters have disappeared.
  • Impetigo & School Sores: After skin has returned to normal colour.
  • Colds & Couqhs: Do not return until chronic symptoms disappear.
  • Broken Skin & Sores: These must not be weeping and must be covered until healed.
  • Vomiting/diarrhoea:  48 hours after last symptom.

Response to Vomiting and Diarrhoea

To minimise the spread of infectious illnesses between children attending the centre, children in nappies and other young children under five years of age are not able to effectively manage themselves if they have vomiting or diarrhoea. Children who have vomiting or diarrhoea must not attend the Centre for 48 hours after the last symptom of the illness. Adults who have vomiting or diarrhoea must not attend the Centre for 24 hours after the last symptom of the illness.


INFLUENZA is a contagious disease, spread by coughing, sneezing or contact with contaminated surfaces. There is currently an increase in the numbers of people in New Zealand with influenza. DO NOT come to Creative Corner if you have:

  • chills, shivering and a fever (temperature above 38 degrees C)
  • sore throat
  • dry cough
  • trouble breathing
  • sneezing
  • stuffy or runny nose
  • tiredness in association with other symptoms