CREATIVE CORNER Newsletter 22 September 2021


Tena ra Koutou
(Greetings to you)

We welcome Siula Simpson and Madelyn Yarker to the Kākā room.

We farewelled Darcy from the Kākā room, and farewelled Indi from the Pukeko room. Happy school days Indi!

We are well and truly back at it again. The children have settled back in well, proving time and time again what resilient little troupers they are.
This lockdown and Covid period appears to have had an impact on some of our communities wellbeing and mental health. I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you all that it is okay to not be okay. These are different times we are living in and adjusting to the Covid situation, work pressures and family life is not easy. I would encourage anyone who is not feeling like themselves to please reach out to us, your friends or a support agency. Our team is happy to talk at any time and we can assist you to access community resources.
Unfortunately, our disco got cancelled for the second year running. It is unlikely that we will attempt this again this year but it will feature on our plans for next year in August. Our annual Trikeathon is planned for 6 November and we are looking forward to this and are hopeful that under level one conditions this will go ahead.
The Board of Trustees will meet next week to catch up on our August meeting as well as our planned September meeting. During this meeting we will be deciding on the Annual Christmas shut down days and this will be communicated in the next newsletter. If you are aware of the dates of your children’s time away from Creative Corner over Xmas, please let us know. The earlier we get this information that sooner I can advise the team of how many teachers need to care for your children so they can book in their holidays too.
I would also like to thank our families for respecting our increased wellness expectations during our return to operation. I know how difficult this can be managing workloads and sick children however it really is the best way to keep our children and team well.
Please find below some of the many support out there to assist with building and maintaining your well-being.
• Women’s Refuge 0800REFUGE
• Shine 0508 744 633
• Alcohol and Drug Helpline 0800 787 797
• Oranga Tamariki (call centre) 0508FAMILY
• CADS 09 845 1818
• Narcotics Anonymous 0800 628 632
• Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 229 6757
• Lifeline 0800 543 354 or free text 4357
• Youthline 0800 376 633
• Samaritans 0800 726 666
• Outline (LGBT) 0800 688 5463
• Depression Helpline 0800 111 757
• Suicide Prevention Helpline 0508 828 865
• The Fono West (Social Services) 09 837 1780
• Counselling (free call or text) 1737
• Healthline for COVID-19 health advice 0800 358 5453

Kia Ora Whanau
It has been so wonderful seeing everyone’s faces again. All of the tamariki have settled back into the environment beautifully and it has been awesome seeing all there new learning. You may have noticed some new faces within the room as we have welcomed in Madelyn and Siula, thank you for making them feel welcome into the Kākā room. Now that the weather is warming up the tamariki are enjoying more water play, so please ensure they have plenty of spare clothes and their dry bag with them.
We are also creating a display with photos of what the tamariki enjoyed over the lockdown period so please feel free to email me these photos (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or attach in Storypark.
Katy - Head Teacher Kaka Room

Kia Ora Whanau
The return of the warmer weather has encouraged a lot more outdoor exploration. The children have been asking for taps to be turned on so they can experiment with their ideas using watering in both the water trough, sandpit and garden areas. Much time has been spent creating gigantic volcanoes that explode with lava in the end, and many have enjoyed racing cars, trucks and marbles down the hillside track created in collaboration with Michael. The children have returned to Creative Corner happy to see their friends and to continue their learning experiences together.
Kerry – Head Teacher Pukeko Room

Maggie Harvey
My name is Maggie Harvey and I am mum to Isla who is in the Kaka’s. I am a Chartered Accountant working at a firm in Timaru.
I studied and lived in Christchurch and then moved to Timaru approximately four years ago.
I enjoy family holidays, cooking and being active.

The tamariki had a fun day competing in the CCELC Olympics prior to COVID lockdown. Children dressed up and took part in various activities. Denali came prepared to be a winner on the day!

Please remember to bring your child's sunhat and sunscreen (if you use a sunscreen other than what CCELC supplies) next TUESDAY.
All tamariki must have a sunhat on and sunscreen applied from that day, if they are playing outside. Thanks