CREATIVE CORNER Newsletter 29 October 2021

Tena ra Koutou
(Greetings to you)

As you will be aware the Government has
mandated vaccinations for all education
workers. In line with this, all Creative Corner
staff will be fully vaccinated by 1 January
2022. Individual staff member’s
vaccination status will always remain
confidential and will not be released to our
parent community. To ensure
confidentiality please refrain from asking
our team about their status.
I am aware how political the vaccination
topic has become and how many and
varied opinions there are on the topic. I
respectfully ask that we keep our
classroom spaces as non-political as
possible and refrain from having
vaccination discussions around our
children. I am more than happy to chat
with anyone about any topic at any time in
the front office. Thanks, Amy

We welcome Oliver Hugh-Games, Meila Winter; and in November,
Paul Lahaut, Piper Mackay and Monica Rodriguez to the Kākā room.
Also, welcome to Parker Halford who will join Creative Corner in the
Pukeko Room.

We farewelled Maggie Jopp from the Pukeko room recently and
Tommy Luyten-Jones will be leaving us in November. Happy school
days Maggie and Tommy!

Families will have received a letter outlining the calendar fundraiser
prior to Xmas.
Pictures will be drawn by our tamariki and younger children in the
Kakas will have hand prints done.
These are available to view at the Centre during the week of 1-5
November. Please see your child’s teachers about this.
Your child’s painting is laminated and will be the cover of their
calendar. These are great gifts for whanau at Xmas.
Calendar prices – A4 - $10.00 as per previous years, and this year
we are introducing an A3 size - $12.00 to fit two paintings on one
sheet which will be ideal for families with two children at the centre
or if you would like a larger print of your child’s painting.
Orders to be returned to Kate by Tuesday, 9 November. Payment
needs to be made at this time and we prefer internet banking to
our fundraising account number – 03-0887-0265519-00 (with your
child’s name as reference).

Please see over the page the family that Creative Corner has
agreed to sponsor through the Christmas Angel Project for 2021.
We have taken part in this project for the last couple of years and
it is nice to make a difference to a family's Christmas.
If you are able to donate presents or cash, we would appreciate
your support. Thanks

Kia Ora Whanau
This month in Kākā room we have been really focusing on our emotional competancy. As a team we have been extending our knowledge around this area and learning lots of new ways to support the ‘big emotions’ of the Kāka tamariki.
One strategy that we have been focusing on is talking about the feelings that they maybe having such as, ‘I can see that you are very frustrated that you can’t put your shoe on, let me try help you’ or ‘I can see that really hurt and you are feeling sad, would you like a cuddle’. That way we are acknowledging the feeling and helping with a solution to build resiliency.
Katy - Head Teacher Kaka Room

Kia Ora Whanau
Bugs, Books and Barton Rural have made for a lot of fun and excitement in the Pukeko room this month.
The children were delighted with the array of creepy crawlies they got to see when Philip the Bug man (who works at the museum) first paid us a visit. Spiders, worms, beetles, and a stuffed local bat caused quite a stir and an intense amount of interest. Phillips’s visit was part of our current Group Inquiry on Bugs. The children have since enjoyed digging in the dirt in their quest to find their own worms, beetles, and spiders.
Book Appreciation Week was very successful and didn’t the children look amazing on dress up day. It was wonderful to read books that the children enjoy at home with their whānau, and it also allowed the teachers to see what other books and stories the children enjoy.
Finally, on Tuesday of this week, we had a lovely group of children visit from Barton Rural school. They each brought in a book to read to a child, which was a lovely extension to our Book Week. They also followed our children’s lead by engaging in their games of chase, pushing them on the bikes, building towers and helping to complete puzzles. Our children had a wonderful time and really appreciated the gifts of a handmade bug bracelet made by their new school friend. A big shout out to Barton Rural for arranging this visit which was enjoyed by all.
Kerry – Head Teacher Pukeko Room