CREATIVE CORNER Newsletter 8 April 2022


It continues to be a challenging and stressful time for us all. Ten weeks now of the Red Setting and we have tried really hard to manage and mitigate the risk of spread. We would like to say a big thank you to all our families for supporting us ‘to do what we need to’ at CCELC, and our staff for working tirelessly on the frontline to care for our little people’s needs.

Here are some acts of kindness we can reflect upon during these uncertain times:

 Call a friend that you haven’t spoken to for a while
 Tell a family member how much you love and appreciate them
 Make a cup of tea for someone
 Arrange to have a cup of tea and virtual or in real life catch up with someone you know
 Help with a household chore at home
 Arrange to watch a film at the same time as a friend on a video call or arrange to go to the cinema with a friend
 Tell someone you know that you are proud of them
 Tell someone you know why you are thankful for them
 Send a motivational text to a friend who is struggling
 Send someone you know a joke to cheer them up
 Send someone you know a picture of a cute animal
 Send an inspirational quote to a friend
 Send an interesting article to a friend
 Contact someone you haven’t seen in a while and arrange a phone catch up or in-person catch-up
 Spend time playing with your pet
 Reach out to call a friend, family member or neighbour who is experiencing loneliness or self-isolation
 Donate to a charity
 Lend your ear – call a colleague and ask how they’re finding the change in routine
 Give praise to your colleague for something they’ve done well
 Arrange to have a video lunch with a colleague/or a lunch in real life
 Donate to foodbanks

Wishing all our families a happy and relaxing break. May you enjoy this Easter surrounded by friends, family, and plenty of chocolate!

Please fill in an absence form ASAP for the upcoming school holidays and email or drop to Kate. This enables us to sort staff requirements over the two week period. Thanks

Farewell to April Doran who leaves the Pukeko room later this month. Happy school days April!

Kia Ora Whanau
Over the last few weeks with children away we have had lower numbers in the classroom, which has enabled us to do more messy play! Messy play gives tamāriki the opportunity to experience a wide range of sensory experiences, it also gives tamāriki the opportunity to learn about different textures and materials. While the tamāriki are exploring the messy play, they are developing hand-eye coordination, mathematic skills such as measuring and counting, etc. They are also able to be a part of a group which helps with working alongside their peers. Check out some of the great snaps we captured.
(Katy - Head Teacher Kākā Room)

Kia Ora Whanau
The children have missed the range of sensory experiences that we usually have on offer. This became evident as the children started to find any excuse to cover their faces and bodies in paint, many times from head to toe. So, over the past couple of weeks the children have enjoyed reengaging with playdough, bubbles and water, cloud dough, gloop, and slime. They have especially enjoyed exploring what nature brings to us at the moment – a fair bit of rain. They have loved returning to splashing in the puddles, driving their bikes and toy cars through the mud and it has even provided our bug hunters with opportunities to look for worms and use them to scare many of the teachers.
(Kerry – Head Teacher Pukeko Room)