CREATIVE CORNER Newsletter 19 July 2022

19 July 2022


In the past few years, COVID-19-related restrictions resulted in a lower than usual flu season. With COVID-19 restrictions being lifted more recently the flu season has hit us quite hard. Natural infection fighting responses (immunity) to flu is lower than usual, potentially putting more vulnerable people at risk of serious illness.
Because the flu is easy to catch through coughs and sneezes, we encourage you to monitor your tamariki regularly and ask that you keep them at home should they have any symptoms of the flu. This will help prevent the spread through the Centre. Thanks

We recently farewelled Rosalee Leslie from the Pukeko room.

I am pleased to announce the end of our period vacant positions is nearing an end. On 8 August Cheryl Young our new Kaka head teacher and centre 2IC will be starting at the centre. This will free up Miranda to take over her permanent 3-day position in the Pukekos.
The end of this month also sees the end of Di’s recovery time in the Pukekos as she returns to the Kaka room. A big thank you to Soph and Jen for helping us in the kakas.
These staff vacancies and movements coupled with Covid, and sickness have been a struggle for all to manage but I am hopeful that we will be able to achieve a little more consistency within centre moving forward.
Thank you to those parents that have added their input to the board at the front door regarding what we do well and what are our challenges. I hope to be able to share our new strategic direction in the coming weeks.
Sickness continues to remain with us, and I thank you all for your support in keeping your children at home when they are unwell. We know that this is difficult with short staffing within your industries and challenges on the leave balances front. We are keeping an eye on the local COVID cases and if it creeps close to our community again, we will return to pick up and drop offs outside. For now, we continue business as usual and cross our fingers for a speedy end to our winter bugs.

The school holidays often means we are fewer in numbers. This provides us with opportunities to go exploring a little more than usual.
So, last Friday groups of children accompanied the teachers for a walk to see the sheep that live across the road. The sheep were keen to see if we had any food to share but unfortunately, we hadn’t even considered this. Therefore, we walked along the fence line collecting the greener grass and then hand fed it to a sheep or two.
The group of children that went in the morning were upset to see people had littered in the sheep paddock and on the footpath. They thought it wasn’t very nice for the sheep and that people should remember to put their rubbish in the bin. This led to a discussion about wanting to go on a walk around our neighbourhood to collect any rubbish people may have forgotten to bin, so we are looking after our local plants and animals.
The children that went later in the day got to have some fun running and chasing Michael around the park.
We can’t wait to do this again and share more with whānau about our outings and adventures!!!


Saturday, 17 September 2022
At the Oxford Restaurant
Theme – Outrageous Fortune
Gambling, Music, and Auctions

It’s that time again to organise this successful evening of fun.
All proceeds go back into the centre for children’s resources, etc.
We would really appreciate sourcing an auction package from parents for the following:
Products needed for this package:
• Beer/wine for mum and dad
• Rainy Day – games and goodies for the kids
• A spot of tea – variety of teas, crackers, tea towel, cup, and tea pot
• Chocolate celebration
• Supermarket vouchers

Please let Kate/Amy know if you can help with any of the above products. Thanks in advance!