Please feel free to read our newsletter:
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Trikeathon Fundraiser: The Trikeathon was again a great success with lots of families supporting this event. The children had a blast. Once all sponsorship money is returned we will advise how much was raised. Thanks for your continuing support.
Farewell: We farewell Lillian Powell who turns 5 from the Pukekos. Happy school days Lillian.
Accounts: Payment Reminder - 31 December is the end of the financial year for Creative Corner. Our accountant asks that all invoices for 2016 are paid in full before the end of the year. If this is going to be a problem for you please see Amy or Kate. Thanks.
Creative Corner Sun Safe Policy: Our policy is that all children must wear sunhats and sunscreen. Please ensure your child has their sunblock applied before preschool, and have their sunhats with them. Thank you.
CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY: Thursday, 15 December, 5.30-7.00pm, Caroline Bay Playground
XMAS CLOSURE, Friday, 23 December, 3.00pm 2016. Reopen Wednesday, 4 January 2017.