Nga ruma Pūkeko is a purpose built area. The Pūkeko kaiako intentionally curate a learning environment that meets the individual learning needs of your tamaiti. We seek whānau voice to understand what your aspirations are for your tamaiti, and weave these learning experiences into our daily programme. You will notice our environment has both structured, routined practices to provide security and predictability alongside a changing daily set-up to creating new learning opportunities that challenge and progress learning.
- Your tamaiti will be allocated a priority kaiako who will take the lead in planning and sharing your tamaiti learning journey.
- Our aim is to work alongside and collaborate with whānau to support learning aspirations and goals, and to grow a positive learner identity.
- Our learning environment is based in the philosophy of child-lead play. This ensures learning is meaningful and authentic for your tamaiti. Kaiako intentionally plan learning activities and experiences to progress learning.
- Tamariki are supported to develop their social comptence skills - developing and maintaining friendships, learning about sharing and turn-taking, understanding rules and social justice.
- Tamariki will develop a positive learner identity - this means a confidence to try new things, take risks, persisit with challenges until they master a new skill - kiako will support them with this.
- ROLLING KAI TIME: We provide a rolling kai time for an hour in the morning (approx 9:30am – 10:30am) and the afternoon (2:30pm – 3:30pm) when tamariki can come and have some food as required.
- LUNCH: 11:30am when all tamarikisit down together. Kai times are always supervised by a kaiako with a current first aid certificate.
- Sleeping routines are supported in nga ruma Pūkeko. We have ruma moe/sleep room with strectchers, and individual sheets & blankets are provided for each tamaiti. We also play white noise to support group sleeping in the ruma moe/sleep room. We aim to follow your sleep routines and schedules you have at home to provide consistency of care.