To the best of our abilities, we try to follow the sleeping routines established at home here into your tamaiti day at Creative Corner. Te ruma moe is a shared space for the Kākā and Pūkeko tamariki who sleep during their day at Creative Corner. Our ruma moe has 8 cots and six stretchers available for sleepers. As you can imagine, adapting to sleeping in a shared sleeping space can be quite different from sleeping at home, and it is important to note sometimes there is a sleeping regression that occurs during the settling in process. Your priority kaiako will communicate and support your tamaiti and you during this time.
Our sleep rooms are kept at 18oC, and this temperature is checked several times throughout the day to ensure the room doesn't become too hot or cold.
Kaiako stay with your child until they have fallen asleep, and then complete safety checks every 5 minutes. Safety checks include checking that your tamaiti is breathing, that they haven't kicked off the blankets or maneuvered themselves into an uncomfortable position etc. This also ensures we can quickly attend to tamariki as they are waking so they do not wake up others still sleeping. Kaiako also document the time your child went to sleep, and when they woke up and will communicate this with you at pick-up time.
Tamariki each have their own sheets and blankets that we provide. You are welcome to bring in their sleeping bag from home, cuddles, dummies etc that support their sleep routine. Each child will have a named pillowcase where their sheets are stored when not in use. All sheets will be cleaned at least weekly, however changed sooner if a child has been sick, or the sheets have become dirty.