Purpose built in 2014

In February 2014 the Centre moved into a new purpose-built facility on the grounds of the Timaru Girls' High School. Here, tamariki play and learn in spacious well resourced areas. The outdoor area is constantly under development and there was a deliberate decision to include children’s ideas in how it will be designed.

  • The Centre has full kitchen facilities, food can be heated if necessary in the microwave.
  • We also have a ruma moesleep room for those who need a nap or two while they are in our care. Our goal is to follow the routines you have established at home for consisency of care.
  • Our two rooms are connected by a large under cover verandah, which is a fantastic way for tamariki to connect with siblings and different age tamarikil  This is intentional planning as we value opportunties for tuakana-teina where tamariki share knowledge and teach each other..

  • Continuous care: We care for babies from 3 months to 6 years old.
  • Education: Our well-organised programme is geared to your tot’s development and growth.
  • Socialisation: Your baby will get lots of face time with other little ones.
  • Reliability: We are open for 9 hours each day to support a variety of our whānau schedules.
  • Qualified care: Our team are passionate, qualified and registered kaiako, or kaiako in training. 
  • Small numbers: There are fewer children than you would find at some of Timaru's other daycare centres, which means more personal attention and less exposure to illness.