(Greetings to you)Farewell – Ka kite
We said goodbye to Hugh McKay-Harding and Frankie Luyten-Jones from the Pukekos. Happy school days Hugh and Frankie.

Welcome – Nau mai
Welcome to Beau McFetrich, Maxi Quinonez and Miles Pearson and Charles Lahaut who join our tamariki in the Kakas. Also, welcome to Rose Lahaut who joins our children in the Pukeko room.

Centre Values
Continuing our focus on our Centre Values, below is what “Nurture” might look like in the Centre.
In the Centre nurture means for us the way we care for the children – nurturing their growing bodies and minds.
You will see this in practice by the way the teachers care for and interact with care and love for the children. You will see the children exemplifying this in caring for each other, nurturing the environment and in their play through family and dramatic play.
Nurture is important for us to care for your children and to build the capacity for nurturing within the children themselves.

Kia ora from the Pukeko Room
The wetter weather at the beginning of the new term provided opportunities for tamariki to explore the wonderment and mystery of puddles- from their size, shape and depth to the way they sound and feel when they interact with them. But of course the best bit for most, was working out ways to make the biggest splash. It was awesome to hear their laughter and squeals through the share delight they were having with one another.
Did you know that we had some caterpillars in the Pukekos? Well, at the end of last week they finally hatched in to beautiful butterflies. It was a great experience for tamariki to watch as they emerged from their cocoons, unfolded their wings and strengthened them so they could fly.
Over the past couple of weeks, the children have enjoyed a range of small insects and animal set ups which has helps to extend their creativity, imagination, allows them to experiment with their ideas and interact together in small groups. This leads nicely in to our new group learning goal – Communication (Mana reo,) along with Exploration (Mana aotura). This is displayed on our planning wall which we encourage you to view.
Finally, check out the snazzy bags Sophie has been making with the children- funky, stylish and adored by their new owners!!!!(Kerry)

Kia ora from the Kaka Room
We welcome many new faces into the Kakas – Maxi, Beau and Miles.
Thank you to those that have already contributed photos to our ‘who are we?’ display. It is looking great with connections already been made. Keep sending them through!
With the ground being wet in the morning, please remember to ensure that your child has spare clothes and warm jackets with them.
We currently have a group of children that are really interested in music and movement. I have done a session with the ukulele which they have enjoyed dancing to.(Katy)

Casino Fundraiser
(Oxford Restaurant)
Saturday, 15 June

Kia tipu ngatahi – Growing together

(Greetings to you)

We said goodbye to Kobe Robinson from the Pukeko Room. Happy school days Kobe.
We also say goodbye to Oliver Jones from the Kakas and Archie Jones from the Pukekos.

Welcome to Rocco Stokes and Emilia Brownie who join our tamariki in the Kakas next week.

Group Games
Following on from children’s interest in running races, a range of group games have started to develop throughout the Pukeko children. Initiated at first through the interest of the four year olds, the eagerness of others to get involved and learn has allowed the implementation of the Maori concept tuakana teina (when an older, more knowledgeable child helps and supports the learning of someone younger). Some of the games the children are enjoying are – “Duck, Duck, Goose”, “What’s the time Mr Wolfie?” and some oldies, but goodies – “Hide ‘n’ Go Seek” and “I sent a letter to my love.”
Tamariki are learning how to follow directions, take turns, and understand the rules of the games. It provides opportunities to learn or revisit counting, keeps them active and of course, is a great time to have fun and lots of giggles with their friends and peers.
Wow! There has been a hive of activity over a range of exciting new science experiences that Sophie purchased and set up in the classroom. From a large model dinosaur, a model of the heart and another of the brain. An array of sea creatures and insects (set in resin) has allowed tamariki to take a closer look and freely marvel at their size, shape and colour. Sophie has taken many photos that display the curiosity and wonderment of our tamariki as they explore and deepen their knowledge about the world around them. So please feel free to take a look and have some fun exploring with your whanau/child. (Kerry)

Over the past few weeks we have had lots of transition visits to the Pukeko room. The tamariki are loving wearing the bright yellow vests and walking down the hallway! If you hear them talking about ‘kekos’ that’s where they have been.
Over the next few weeks you will be seeing some new faces as we have some new tamariki starting. We have also said goodbye to Oliver this week, as they embark on a new journey. (Katy)

Reminder to whanau to please check children's bags daily, as wet/soiled clothes have remained in bags, and to ensure inhalers, medicines, etc. are not left in bags. Thank you.

Creative Corner AGM
Monday, 15 April 2019 8.00pm
At Creative Corner, 72 Cain Street, Timaru.
All welcome to attend

(Greetings to you)

Margita is back from her overseas trip - yay, and is ready to get back into the swing of things. At the moment in the Kakas we have a big group of tamariki that are on the move with learning to crawl and pulling themselves up, so we have had lots of gross motor activities to help with their development.
This week I am on a leadership course and can't wait to bring all my new knowledge back.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – Thunderbirds are go!
With the reconstruction of the large plastic climbing frame tamariki have been collectively using their imaginations to re-enact being astronauts blasting to the moon and beyond. Their knowledge was extended through implementing the NASA space station website. Some tamariki learnt about what astronauts wear, how they sleep, eat and even the complication of brushing their teeth with water. Following this we have observed children designing and constructing space helmets, space ladders and laser blasters, using a range of open ended resources.
We’re going on a bug hunt. We’re going to catch a big one!
With the changing seasons tamariki have observed a diverse range of bugs; from spiders to moths, to butterflies and even a praying mantis. In large groups they ventured out on bug hunts, using our new magnifying glasses, while also learning about bug habitats, including what they eat and how they behave.
Such experiences that are already noted have helped support our current group learning goal of “Belonging”.
As tamariki work and play together we have noticed new relationships and friendships forming – with both kāiako and one another. This has been reaffirmed by the ongoing transition visits of the Kakas to the Pukekos.
If your child has shared any of the experiences with you and your whanau please share them with staff in person, or on Storypark.

Continuing our focus on our Centre Values, below is what “Respect” might look like in the Centre.
Respect of people, places and things:
• This includes things such as caring for our environment – watering plants, putting toys away, etc.
• Respecting each other – listening to others opinions and thoughts.
• Respecting our Centre and the ways we do things here.

Our grand total for this fundraiser is $2191.60 compared to $2856.92 for 2018. Thanks to all families who supported this event.
We would appreciate feedback – anything we could do better, or any ideas for next year’s Trikeathon. Please let Kate or Amy know your thoughts.

Please ensure that any medication you bring to the Centre for your child must have the practitioner’s name, child’s name and instructions for giving noted on it. Thank you.

Creative Corner is after any art and craft resources for the classroom. If any families can donate cardboard boxes paper, etc. we would be grateful.

Creative Corner AGM
Monday, 15 April 2019 8.00pm
at Creative Corner

Casino Fundraisr Night
Saturday, 15 June 2019
at Oxford Restaurant
(Our fundraising team are working hard on this - more to follow)

Tena ra Koutou
(Greetings to you)

We say goodbye to Mia Febery from the Pukeko Room next Friday.

We welcome Harvey Lewis who joins us in the Kaka Room next Monday.

To all whanau and staff at Creative Corner I would like to thank you for making me feel welcome over the last couple of weeks, as I settle into my role as Team Leader in the Pukeko Room.
My husband (Reuben) and I recently moved from Christchurch to Temuka, with our dogs Floyd and Scout.
We are a large blended family with eight children between us. This makes for a lot of fun, excitement and busy times, but now that they are young adults they have chosen to remain in Christchurch.
I am excited to be a part of the Creative Corner community and look forward to building my relationships with you and all tamariki.

Thanks to all parents who have returned their child’s sponsorship money for this fundraiser. Once everyone has returned their money we will advise the total raised. Thanks for your support once again.

Mindful (Mana Atua) March We are celebrating Mindful (Mana Atua) March with the tamariki at Creative Corner. You may like to talk with your children about this during the month.

Continuing our focus on our Centre Values, below is what “Play” might look like in the Centre. When we look at the value of “Play” it is important for a number of reasons:
1. We are a place for children and we value that our children enjoy their time here and have fun.
2. “Play” encompasses the skills of playing alongside others, turn taking, being part of something and having a good time.
3. “Play” also speaks to us on being able to have a laugh, look at the lighter side of things and generally having a good time.
We will continue to promote these Values in the Centre and share with you in our newsletter and our notice boards.

****Teddy Bears Picnic
Friday, 22 March
(supporting Plunket Appeal – gold coin donation)

****AGM Creative Corner
Monday, 8 April
(More info to follow)

****Casino Fundraiser
(Oxford Restaurant)
Saturday, 15 June