(Greetings to you)Farewell – Ka kite
We said goodbye to Hugh McKay-Harding and Frankie Luyten-Jones from the Pukekos. Happy school days Hugh and Frankie.
Welcome – Nau mai
Welcome to Beau McFetrich, Maxi Quinonez and Miles Pearson and Charles Lahaut who join our tamariki in the Kakas. Also, welcome to Rose Lahaut who joins our children in the Pukeko room.
Centre Values
Continuing our focus on our Centre Values, below is what “Nurture” might look like in the Centre.
In the Centre nurture means for us the way we care for the children – nurturing their growing bodies and minds.
You will see this in practice by the way the teachers care for and interact with care and love for the children. You will see the children exemplifying this in caring for each other, nurturing the environment and in their play through family and dramatic play.
Nurture is important for us to care for your children and to build the capacity for nurturing within the children themselves.
Kia ora from the Pukeko Room
The wetter weather at the beginning of the new term provided opportunities for tamariki to explore the wonderment and mystery of puddles- from their size, shape and depth to the way they sound and feel when they interact with them. But of course the best bit for most, was working out ways to make the biggest splash. It was awesome to hear their laughter and squeals through the share delight they were having with one another.
Did you know that we had some caterpillars in the Pukekos? Well, at the end of last week they finally hatched in to beautiful butterflies. It was a great experience for tamariki to watch as they emerged from their cocoons, unfolded their wings and strengthened them so they could fly.
Over the past couple of weeks, the children have enjoyed a range of small insects and animal set ups which has helps to extend their creativity, imagination, allows them to experiment with their ideas and interact together in small groups. This leads nicely in to our new group learning goal – Communication (Mana reo,) along with Exploration (Mana aotura). This is displayed on our planning wall which we encourage you to view.
Finally, check out the snazzy bags Sophie has been making with the children- funky, stylish and adored by their new owners!!!!(Kerry)
Kia ora from the Kaka Room
We welcome many new faces into the Kakas – Maxi, Beau and Miles.
Thank you to those that have already contributed photos to our ‘who are we?’ display. It is looking great with connections already been made. Keep sending them through!
With the ground being wet in the morning, please remember to ensure that your child has spare clothes and warm jackets with them.
We currently have a group of children that are really interested in music and movement. I have done a session with the ukulele which they have enjoyed dancing to.(Katy)
Casino Fundraiser
(Oxford Restaurant)
Saturday, 15 June
Kia tipu ngatahi – Growing together