(Greetings to you)
We farewelled Ezra Melhopt-Bretzke last week from the Pukeko room. Happy school days Ezra.
• We welcome McKenna Richardson to the Kakas.
• Welcome to our new head teacher in the Pukekos – Kerry Gunn, who started with Creative Corner this week. Kerry joins us from Christchurch. Please make yourself known to Kerry. More about Kerry in our next newsletter.
Thank you to everyone who has returned their non-attendance forms for 12 April.
I am very excited to announce that the majority of the team will be able to attend staff professional development with only two children requiring care for the day.
Thank you for your support with this.
This week we have introduced with the children our values badges. These are given to children who we have noticed during the day exemplifying our Centre values of Play, Respect, Resilience and Nurture.
The names of the recipients of these badges will be posted on the Pukeko door. We do ask that badges please be left at school for us to hand out to the next values guardian/superhero.
Saturday, 2 March 2019
Timaru Girls’ High School Netball Courts
Further information will be distributed to parent in the next week.
Last year our Trikeathon and mini-fair was very successful, so we will be holding the same format this year. Mini-fair – food, games, cake walk, face painting.
Thanks to those parents who have offered their support in making cakes for the cake walk. This was a very successful event last year, as well as being lots of fun. If you want to make a cake, there’s still time.
We held a Red Heart Day last Thursday where staff and children dressed in red and donations were gathered for the Heart Foundation.
Creative Corner’s tamariki were visited by Makaylah from the Heart Foundation and presented with a Bronze Healthy Heart Award. Thanks for everyone’s participation, and especially to Carmel for the work she has done for us to achieve this award.
FAMILY PICNICWe held a family picnic last Thursday evening at the Caroline Bay children’s playground. It was a perfect evening for the children to enjoy the playground, and a number gravitated to the swimming pool and had fun splashing about.
Thank you to all families who supported this event. It is always nice to catch up with families outside of the Centre environs.
*** Teddy Bears Picnic
Friday, 22 March
(supporting Plunket Appeal – gold coin donation)
*** AGM Creative Corner
Monday, 8 April
(More info to follow)
*** Casino Fundraiser
(Oxford Restaurant)
Saturday, 15 June