We are now in Phase 3 of the Red Level and it’s very easy to get caught up in the reality of the future uncertainties.
It’s important to take a breath and smell the coffee or roses during this time.
The situation is unprecedented and ever changing, and we’re all doing the best we can under challenging circumstances.
Remember to be patient and sensitive with yourself and others.
Talk when you need to; listen when you can.
It’s also vitally important that we continue our hygiene routines, wear masks and keep our tamariki at home if they’re unwell.
Covid 19 has certainly given us a new reality, but we’ll make it through this together.
Kia kaha

Welcome to Lila Halford who joins the Kākā Room and Alex Pye and Milo Poi who join Creative Corner in the Pukeko Room.

Farewell to Emilia Cahill who left our Pukeko Room recently, and Tom Johnson and Rose Lahaut who head off to school in March. Happy school days Tom and Rose!

A reminder to please always sign your child IN and OUT.
The Ministry of Education requires that every child is signed in and out every day. If the Centre holds a practice fire drill and children are not signed in for the day, theoretically they cannot be accounted for.
We use sign in sheets as the roll in an emergency so it is important your child is included in our checks. Thanks

If your child is absent for the day, please call the Centre before 8.30am to receive your 50% discount on the fee for the day.
This also helps with the organisation of our staffing for the day.
We have noticed during this holiday period some parents have their child absent from Creative Corner and have not rung to advise us of this. You will therefore be charged full fees for your child’s absence.

Erica Hamilton
Kia ora! My name is Erica
Hamilton and I am a new
teacher in the Pukeko room.
I grew up here in Timaru, studied
Primary teaching in Christchurch
and returned to Timaru to get
married; further studied Early
Childhood, and raise two beautiful children.
In my spare time I enjoy baking, finding opportunities to play my guitar, dabbling a wee bit in portrait drawing, and exploring the local sights and events around Timaru.
I'm looking forward to getting to know the Creative Corner whānau and community further!
Ngā mihi nui

Hannah Poi
Kia ora, my name is Hannah.
I am a qualified kaiako and am
very excited to be joining the
Creative Corner whānau.
I really look forward to
Building strong, meaningful
relationships with tamariki
and whānau.
I am a proud mum of three boys and in my spare
time enjoy baking, camping and spending
time with loved ones.
I look forward to getting to know everyone and having lots of fun with my new friends.

Carmel Thian
We recently farewelled Carmel, our Pukeko room teacher who has a new position at a Montessori Centre in Timaru.
Carmel has an interest in this style of teaching in early childhood and has left Creative Corner to pursue a career which integrates the Montessori philosophy.
We will miss Carmel’s smiley face but wish her all the best in her new venture.

Thursday, 17 March
Wear anything green, orange or white!


4 February 2022


Welcome back to the 2022 preschool year!
We hope everyone has had a wonderful summer break with lots of rest and time with family and friends.
The weather certainly played its part and we were able to enjoy sunshine.
It’s great to see all our tamariki back at the Centre, relaxed and ready for the year ahead.
Our aim, as always, is to provide the very best for your child within a caring learning environment where everyone is happy, safe and secure.
Also, thank you for your support and patience with the new system we have operating, in this COVID ruled environment, with drop off and pick up of your child/children. We appreciate this.

Welcome to Faye Smith, Finn Pearson and Ned Darling who join the Kākā room.

Welcome to Erica Hamilton, our new teacher in the Pukeko room. Please make yourself known to Erica when you’re next in the Centre. More info on Erica in our next issue.

We farewelled Mia Pateman, Hunter McAuley, Jack Rosanowski and Foxton McKenzie-Gill from the Pukeko room in January. Happy school days Mia, Jack and Foxton!

We recently farewelled Aimee, our Pukeko room teacher who has a new position at the Ministry of Education – Learning Support. We hope to see Aimee in her new role from time to time at Creative Corner. We will miss her smiley face but wish her all the best in her new venture.

A reminder regarding the three-week absence rule (this is on all non-attendance forms which you fill out during the year). This applies as follows:

The Ministry of Education funding rules are as follows:
• If your child is absent from the Centre for more than 21 calendar days, the Centre does not receive funding for your child after the 21 days, and therefore will charge full fees, until your child returns.
• If your child is absent on their last booked day before we close at Xmas, the 21 calendar days starts from this absence. If your child is here on their last booked day, then the 21 calendar days begin from when the centre reopens in January.
After 21 days absent you are required to pay full fees to retain your child’s place.

Welcome back whanau
It has been a delight seeing all your faces back in the Kaka room after the summer break.
I thank you for being patient with us as we are working through the Red framework. The tamariki have all been so resilient and have managed this change with ease. Please don’t forget to name all your belongings for us, as at times packing bags can be tough without names. We currently have a big crew who are well into their transition to the Pukeko room who are loving the bigger challenges and older tamariki to learn from. Katy 

Kia Ora Whanau
This week the children have enjoyed engaging in a range of experiences relating to Waitangi Day. Sophie has entertained them using puppets and picture books to help tamāriki develop a deeper understanding of how the Treaty of Waitangi came about and why it is significant to all New Zealanders. Many have learnt how to create their own Koru patterns using clay, and/or designed their own tā moko (Māori face markings/tatoos) on paper. (These can be viewed in the main hallway).

Alongside this there has been an ongoing interest in exploring the garden for bugs and insects, digging and dusting in the sand for treasure, as well as learning how to use pulleys and leavers to lift, pull and carry such items as buckets, trucks and milk containers. These expereinces have created opportunities for problem solving, sharing one anothers thoughts and ideas, testing out theories as well as reflective thinking. Kerry

16 DECEMBER 2021

Tena ra Koutou
(Greetings to you)

Creative Corner will be
closed from 2.15 pm on
Friday, 24 December 2021
and reopens on Monday, 10
January 2022

Happy and safe holidays to
you and your whanau for
the festive season.
Ngā manaakitanga ki a
koutou katoa
Meri Kirihimete

Well we are near the end of another odd year! I’m resisting
the urge to say 2022 will be better as I did that in 2020!
A massive thank you to my team of teachers and our
amazing support crew. We have muddled through this year
with charm and grace and mostly smiles on our faces.
Another big thank you to our parent whanau for their
unwavering support, kindness, appreciation and the occasional
treats. I know we haven’t been able to be quite the
Creative Corner we usually aim for this year, but you have
continued to support us regardless.
I wish all of our CC Crew a wonderful, restful, safe and
happy holiday period. I hope that you are all treated with
kindness and generosity over the break and take the
opportunity to reflect on the year that has been and find the
positives that I’m sure will be in there 
Merry Xmas, Amy

Kia Ora Whanau,
Another year down, and once again one most of us would care to forget. The resurgence of Covid-19 and
the Delta variant has presented numerous challenges, not just within the ECE sector, but in just about every
facet of our lives (can anyone say "mandates"). Yet, despite this, Creative Corner remains in a strong
position. When I reflect upon 2021, I have fond memories including our Book Day (some AMAZING
costumes), the fantastic lockdown Storypark updates from our Kaiako, our own Creative Corner Olympics,
and of course our annual Casino Night, where we FAR exceeded our fundraising goal. I also look at how
my own 2 children have progressed this year, and am safe in the knowledge that we are truly lucky with
the team we have nurturing our tamariki. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I would like to thank each
and every one of our Kaiako and support staff. You are such a caring and engaged team, it is an absolute
pleasure to leave our babies in your hands every day. Sadly, this year we farewelled Gay (retirement) and
Tanyka (relocation), but were lucky to welcome Jen into the team, and were able to bring Michael on fulltime.
From a governance perspective, it has been a testing year. The Board of Trustees were faced with some
difficult choices at times, and I'm very proud of the open discussions and pragmatic decision-making that
occurred. To all of the BOT - Clarissa, Pip, Maggie, Ange, Lili, Jess, Katy, Charlotte, Andrew, Eamon and
Gareth it's an absolute pleasure working with you all, and thank you. A special mention too, to Mrs Kerri
Jopp who stepped down from her role on the BOT after many years of service. It's not been the same without
Kerri at our meetings and she is missed!
Finally, to Amy - our jobs are made much easier by the wonderful job you do (aside from your woeful
spelling). Creative Corner is in safe hands with you at the helm!
All the best for the rest of the year, and see you all in 2022.
Meri Kirihimete
Sam Wilson - BOT Chair

Kia ora whanau
We have nearly made it through another whirlwind of a year! I would like to say thank you all for your support
(and treats) that we have received consistently throughout the year. It is thoroughly appreciated.
Into the New Year we look forward to some Pukeko siblings that are ready to join the Creative Corner whanau.
We also farewell Tommy and whanau.
Lastly, I wish you all a big Merry Christmas and a happy new year. I hope you all get a restful break and indulge
in too many treats! Katy - Head Teacher Kaka Room
Kia ora whanau
There has been a lot of fun and excitement with in the Pukeko Room since Elfie and Elfalina came to visit. The
children have had a lot of fun following their crazy antics and were all a little concerned when they caught
Candycanicocal Jinglebell Itis… meaning they had to spend a couple of days in quarantine.
The children have enjoyed designing and creating a range of Christmas decorations, writing letters to Santa;
telling him what they are proud of this year and what they would like to receive on Christmas day.
But of course, the highlight this week has been a special visit from Santa Claus himself. The cold and rainy day
did not put a damper on anything. The children looked fabulous in their range of Christmas themed attire,
bringing a lot of happiness and cheer. They were all very polite and waited patiently as Santa called out their
names, gave them a big high five and then handed them a present.
This was followed by a shared Christmas lunch, with yummy hot chips…which was even more wonderful on such a
cold and rainy day. Kerry – Head Teacher Pukeko Room

Tena ra Koutou
(Greetings to you)

As you will be aware the Government has
mandated vaccinations for all education
workers. In line with this, all Creative Corner
staff will be fully vaccinated by 1 January
2022. Individual staff member’s
vaccination status will always remain
confidential and will not be released to our
parent community. To ensure
confidentiality please refrain from asking
our team about their status.
I am aware how political the vaccination
topic has become and how many and
varied opinions there are on the topic. I
respectfully ask that we keep our
classroom spaces as non-political as
possible and refrain from having
vaccination discussions around our
children. I am more than happy to chat
with anyone about any topic at any time in
the front office. Thanks, Amy

We welcome Oliver Hugh-Games, Meila Winter; and in November,
Paul Lahaut, Piper Mackay and Monica Rodriguez to the Kākā room.
Also, welcome to Parker Halford who will join Creative Corner in the
Pukeko Room.

We farewelled Maggie Jopp from the Pukeko room recently and
Tommy Luyten-Jones will be leaving us in November. Happy school
days Maggie and Tommy!

Families will have received a letter outlining the calendar fundraiser
prior to Xmas.
Pictures will be drawn by our tamariki and younger children in the
Kakas will have hand prints done.
These are available to view at the Centre during the week of 1-5
November. Please see your child’s teachers about this.
Your child’s painting is laminated and will be the cover of their
calendar. These are great gifts for whanau at Xmas.
Calendar prices – A4 - $10.00 as per previous years, and this year
we are introducing an A3 size - $12.00 to fit two paintings on one
sheet which will be ideal for families with two children at the centre
or if you would like a larger print of your child’s painting.
Orders to be returned to Kate by Tuesday, 9 November. Payment
needs to be made at this time and we prefer internet banking to
our fundraising account number – 03-0887-0265519-00 (with your
child’s name as reference).

Please see over the page the family that Creative Corner has
agreed to sponsor through the Christmas Angel Project for 2021.
We have taken part in this project for the last couple of years and
it is nice to make a difference to a family's Christmas.
If you are able to donate presents or cash, we would appreciate
your support. Thanks

Kia Ora Whanau
This month in Kākā room we have been really focusing on our emotional competancy. As a team we have been extending our knowledge around this area and learning lots of new ways to support the ‘big emotions’ of the Kāka tamariki.
One strategy that we have been focusing on is talking about the feelings that they maybe having such as, ‘I can see that you are very frustrated that you can’t put your shoe on, let me try help you’ or ‘I can see that really hurt and you are feeling sad, would you like a cuddle’. That way we are acknowledging the feeling and helping with a solution to build resiliency.
Katy - Head Teacher Kaka Room

Kia Ora Whanau
Bugs, Books and Barton Rural have made for a lot of fun and excitement in the Pukeko room this month.
The children were delighted with the array of creepy crawlies they got to see when Philip the Bug man (who works at the museum) first paid us a visit. Spiders, worms, beetles, and a stuffed local bat caused quite a stir and an intense amount of interest. Phillips’s visit was part of our current Group Inquiry on Bugs. The children have since enjoyed digging in the dirt in their quest to find their own worms, beetles, and spiders.
Book Appreciation Week was very successful and didn’t the children look amazing on dress up day. It was wonderful to read books that the children enjoy at home with their whānau, and it also allowed the teachers to see what other books and stories the children enjoy.
Finally, on Tuesday of this week, we had a lovely group of children visit from Barton Rural school. They each brought in a book to read to a child, which was a lovely extension to our Book Week. They also followed our children’s lead by engaging in their games of chase, pushing them on the bikes, building towers and helping to complete puzzles. Our children had a wonderful time and really appreciated the gifts of a handmade bug bracelet made by their new school friend. A big shout out to Barton Rural for arranging this visit which was enjoyed by all.
Kerry – Head Teacher Pukeko Room