Haere mai ki (Welcome) to Leilani Tealei, Grayson McCone and Carter Palmer who join Creative Corner in the Pukeko room.

Poroporoaki (Farewell) Tyson Malama-Tuisaula and Oliver Brickle who are heading off to school. Happy school days Tyson and Oliver. 

Ana Bretzke
Hi, I'm Ana, mum of Ezra (3) and Delilah (6 and now at school). I work as an Administrator for Miss Timaru/Preen and first came to Timaru just over 10 years ago from Germany. I joined the Board in March 2015 and am now secretary of the BOT and member of the fundraising committee. Initially I just wanted to know more about how Creative Corner is run and how I could contribute in providing a happy and safe environment for my kids. I'm grateful for the opportunity to work alongside staff and other BOT members, shaping the future of our Centre and giving back a little. I feel that Creative Corner is all
about community and would love to hear other parent’s point of view, so feel free to stop and have a chat.

If your child has recently been immunised, we would appreciate an updated copy of this for their records. Thank you.

South Canterbury
Anniversary Day
Monday, 25 September

The Creative Corner team performed very impressively at Flava Festival on Friday, 28 July at Arowhenua Marae. The children looked confident and enjoyed their moment on stage. There was a big parent contingent supporting CCELC which was great to see. Well done team - an awesome effort by all.

Kia manawanui, whaia
te iti kahurangi!
(Hang in there,
reach for the stars!)


Haere mai ki (Welcome) to Lachie Cotterell and Leilani Tealei who join Creative Corner in the Pukeko room.
Also Carter Palmer who joins us in the Kaka room.

Poroporoaki (Farewell) Edward Adams who is heading off to school. Happy school days Edward. 

Tara Norton:
My name is Tara Norton and I am another new face on the board this year. My husband Scott and I have 3 children Maddi (16), Harry (13) and Lulu who is currently in the Pukeko Room. Daycare was a new concept for me as my older children had always been looked after by family so the idea was a bit daunting to begin with, but I am very pleased to say that due to a very caring and professional team of teachers and support staff my transition back to work was made very easy and Lulu just loves it! I am hoping to give back to the Centre by being a member of the BOT and offering any skills that may be of use to assist the Centre and its staff to continue to be a fantastic place for our precious little people.

A reminder to always sign your child IN and OUT.
The Ministry of Education requires that every child is signed in and out every day. If the Centre holds a practice fire drill and children are not signed in for the day theoretically they cannot be accounted for. We use sign in sheets as the roll in an emergency so it is important your child is included in our checks. It would also be appreciated if you could remind those people who are permitted to pick up your children to do the same. Thanks.

If your child is absent for the day please call the Centre early in the morning of the absence to receive your 50% discount on the fee for the day. This also enables us to organise our staffing for the day.

School Term 3 starts
Monday, 24 July 2017
Dress Up Day
Thursday, 27 July 2017
Korohi o te Pepi
Friday, 28 July 2017

Powhiri – followed by light morning tea
Rata Kindergarten
Opihi First Steps
West End Kindergarten
Geraldine Preschool
Haere Mai Ki Waho
Geraldine Kindergarten
Mokopuna Re O Arowhenua
Clandeboye Preschool
Creative Corner
Exhibition Performance
Te Kouka Kindergarten
Fairlie Early Learners
Active Learners
ABC Marchwiel
Poroporoaki and Karakia Whakamutunga


Thursday, 27 July 2017


All donations will be going towards helping Lauren O’Connor and her family whilst her husband recovers in Auckland after his liver transplant surgery.

We have also organised a raffle with lots of large and amazing prizes, which we hope you will support as well.  Thank you.


(Greetings to you)

Haere mai ki (Welcome) to who Janaya who joins Creative Corner in the Pukeko room.

* Poroporoaki (Farewell) to Lucy Hamilton, Edward Adams and Isabella Edwards who are heading off to school. Happy school days 
* Katy Jackson has taken an extended holiday to travel around Europe. Katy returns to Creative Corner in late August.
* We also farewell our staff member Deb Fuller who finishes at Creative Corner on Friday, 7 July and heads away on her overseas adventure. Thanks for all your support and input whilst with us, and good luck with your future.

Carl Brickle
Gidday, I'm Carl Brickle and am a fresh face this year to the Creative corner BOT.
Together with my wife Janelle, we are the parents of Lachlan (6 - at school), Oliver (4 - starting school August) and Taylor (2 - Pukekos) and enjoy and appreciate the environment found at Creative Corner over the last few years while all our boys have been a part of it.
I love being a Dad to our boys. I really enjoy sharing with them practical skills and a 'give it a crack' attitude. I really enjoy exploring the outdoors, boating, flying, playing musical instruments and projects at our home.
By day I am an operations manager, which gives me practical skills to get stuff done and relating to people.
I look forward to working with fellow BOT members, management and staff to continue to build and promote Creative Corner and also represent parents as best I can. Cheers, Carl

Please remember to fill in your child’s non-attendance form for the school holidays if not done so already,
This enables us to forecast staff that is required for this period.

Thanks to all families that celebrated Matariki (Maori New Year) with us last Friday. Each child received a painted stone to take home. These were kindly painted and donated to the Centre by Rose Fauth. Thanks Rose. We also had a shared kai which was a yummy soup made from the vegetables donated by families earlier in the week.

Please remember to bring your child to preschool with a jacket and hat so they are able to play outside during the colder months. Please be aware that children at the Centre are facing the usual coughs and colds.

* School Term 2 ends
Friday, 7 July 2017
* School Term 3 starts
Monday, 24 July 2017

Friday, 7 July
Please remember to dress up in red, blue or white to celebrate Deb’s last day as a teacher at Creative Corner, before she heads off for her OE to England.

(Greetings to you)
Haere mai ki (Welcome) to Finn Brownie and Parker Harris who join Creative Corner in the Kaka’s room.
Welcome to Carmel Thian who has joined us as a new teacher in the Pukekos. Please make yourself known to Carmel.
“Hi My name is Carmel Thian and I have just joined the amazing teaching team here at Creative Corner. I have a Bachelor in teaching and am currently in my second year of teacher registration. I have spent the last two years teaching in Auckland, the first year at Kindergarten and recently teaching at a performing arts preschool in Whangaparaoa (North Auckland) before moving to Timaru with my family at the end of last year to be closer to extended family. I have two daughters, Bella who is 13 and Alex who is 8.
I am very excited to get to know all your tamariki and I am looking forward to working alongside them, guiding them during their learning journey at Creative Corner. My teaching experience has helped me develop a set of beliefs about how I can best help tamariki learn and grow. I believe that in order to effectively teach children, I must know as much about them as possible. Therefore, I will look forward to getting to know you and your family.”
A reminder to please always sign your child IN and OUT.
The Ministry of Education requires that every child is signed in and out every day. If the Centre holds a practice fire drill and children are not signed in for the day theoretically they cannot be accounted for. We use sign in sheets as the roll in an emergency so it is important your child is included in our checks. It would also be appreciated if you could to do the same. Thanks.
Please be aware winter bugs are about. If your child is not well enough to fully participate in the program, as children do have the option to go outside during the Winter months, please check with the Centre if you are unsure.
Please ensure that you are collecting your child by their booked time. If you come in early we welcome you to stay with your child until their booked start time. We need to be quite strict on this as we run to ratios and if parents are early dropping off or late collecting we may not have either the space or the correct amount of teachers. If you do need to drop off early or collect late you need to discuss this with either Kate or Leesa in advance so we can check that we have enough space and staff to facilitate your request. Thank you for your attention to this.
We would appreciate you advising us which phone number you would prefer as your DAYTIME EMERGENCY CONTACT. This can either be a landline or mobile number. We are currently updating our records and would like emergency contacts updated as well. Please let Kate know. Thanks.
BOT profile
My name is Amy Lewis and I'm a new board member this year, I have one daughter Mya who is in the Pukeko room. I have lived in Timaru all my life except to train as an occupational therapist in Dunedin. I look forward to being a part of this board as I feel the Centre is a professional, kind, friendly and loving place. Please feel free to come and talk to me at any time or just to say hello.